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Corona Virus... UGH!!!

Hello my Lovelies,

I am sorry to have to announce that our regularly scheduled club night on 01 April 2020 is cancelled due to the ongoing problems regarding the COVID-19/ Corona Virus.

It was with reluctance that this decision was made, but we felt that for your protection, as well as our own, it is better to be safe than sorry.

In case rumours start to fly, to be clear, we ARE NOT closing the club on a permanent basis. We are just being prudent in the current climate.

For now, we are only cancelling the upcoming club night but we will keep you posted if there will be any further cancellations.

n the mean time, keep healthy, wash your hands frequently and properly, self-isolate if you are feeling unwell and most importantly... KEEP JAZZIN'.

We look forward to seeing all of your healthy, smiling faces when this is all over.

Cheers and stay healthy,

Heather, Peter, Margaret, Jackie & Babs



Trenham Dr, Warlingham CR6 9RU, UK



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